Users can directly download the latest SpotiKeep Apple Music Converter on the official website. Simply click the Free Download button, it will automatically download the program installer to your computer.
Open the installer, then follow the instructions to install SpotiKeep Apple Music Converter to your computer.
Sometimes, the installer is considered as an untrusted file and blocked by the browser due to the high-security settings. Please know that SpotiKeep only offers a clean and safe program to our users. When this situation happened, you can 100% rest assured and keep the file.
SpotiKeep welcome any feedback from our users to improve our services. If you meet any problem on using Apple Music Converter, please contact us to help you.
If you don't need Apple Music Converter any more, you can open the uninstaller which is in the program file folder, and then, follow the instruction to remove all data of the program from your computer.